Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blogging Outrage

Ok. WARNING. I’m about to go on a blogging outrage

Here is a brief outline of what will be covered

Things of Africa- In case you were wondering...

Good-bye Edison (vic falls/hwange)

Hello Boston

Back in Africa

Ministry for April

My original intention was to give you all bits and pieces of my trips/thoughts while here in Africa. Instead you will get a banquet! Not in the mood? You can buffet style it and just pick and choose from the menu above. (so many food analogies. I must be hungry. I think I’m getting fatter =(( <- double chin

Things of Africa- In case you were wondering...

Weather- it's nice here. They only have two seasons really, summer and winter. It's the opposite of the States. So while you all are preparing for summer. Winter is approaching in Africa. Most days its really sunny. But it rains every once in a while.

The clouds here are AMAZING.

Food- People in Zimbabwe mainly eat Sodza, has the texture of grits. Tastes like nothing really, but usually it's eaten with chicken and some kinda green. BUT I only eat this when being hosted by locals. At the house we eat mostly American food.

eaten by mushing up the sodza in your hand [the thing that looks like mashed potatoes]

Transportation- We have a minivan here. But we also take public transportation

In a 'Convee'

Good-Bye Edison

Anyway. The last anyone knew of me was that I had to fly back to the states for an interview with the New England College of Optometry in Boston, MA. But right before that madness, the last week-ish of March happened to be the final days of one of our missionaries Edison Lee. He had been in Zimbabwe for 8 months? And planned to finish his year-long commitment to missions in South America. SO we celebrated/debriefed his time here by going to…VICTORIA FALLS!!! One of the seven natural wonders of the world! Here in Zimbabwe! Who knew huh? Man, I have always had a thing for waterfalls but Victoria Falls is like the BAZOOKA of waterfalls. We got blasted.

SO much crazier than I thought it would be. First of all it stretches for like miles and the falls, especially that time of month, pounds so hard that the mist (more like tropical rain forest) owns you. In some places you cant even open your eyes because the water is pelting you. You follow this trail that has stops right by the

edge of the waterfall. At one spot there’s not even a handrail, just straight up cliff. Standing there I just felt like screaming or laughing (both of which I DID) HAHA. All in all, it’s amazing. But yes, I should move on. Our debriefing retreat/road trip also included driving through a National Wildlife Park where our Pokemon snapshot skills were put to the test. As you can see I was a bit rusty.

Sometime during this time it was decided that I should leave back to the States the same time Edison was leaving for South America, because we could then at least catch the same flight to South Africa before leaving our international ways.

Edison's Farewell Present

smile =D

Saying our see-you-laters [it's okay if you cried Edison]

From Johannesburg I flew to LAX and I got to enjoy being back home for almost a week. I bet people at church were like “what the heck” when they saw me. It seriously felt like a dream being back in LA. But a good dream. What did I do? All the essentials of course: had some YOGURTREE, met with friends (such a joy and encouragement. I am thankful for each and every one of you!), went fishing with the family (lol random! But awesome), went to church/youth staff meeting (also always a joy). And in between hanging out I shopped for a ton of VBS supplies, which included stealing/getting donated a buuncha Starbucks green straws [ Holla at the Hong brothers ;) Thanks guys] to be the stem in this flower craft + getting items for my teammates. And of course semi-preparing for my interview.

Then I packed up (three suitcases FULL of stuff) and headed to Boston with the bro.

Hello Boston

New England College of Optometry [dead center-greenish roof]

Oh Boston. I was full of mixed feelings while I was there.

  1. The school is a building, not a campus. A beautiful building, but still…a building. Someone somewhere called it the Hogwarts of Optometry because of the architecture. It’s basically an old mansion. If I wasn’t just a little disappointed by the size I would probably admire it.
  2. One of the students there working at the front desk, when talking about housing in Boston, straight up said “If you get in anywhere else, DON’T come here” [jaw drop. Head hung. NOOOO]
  3. The weather was pretty awesome that weekend I was there (but that doubting part in me that loves Cali and makes me wanna hate Boston for making me leave would say “how deceptive, I know that’s not how you TRULY are Boston. You’re COLD!”

Hahaha. But there were definitely some high points while in Boston. High points

  1. Went to an awesome Good Friday service at MIT. Twas quaint with like the 12 of us there in that huge MIT auditorium, but it was a very encouraging time.
  2. Also went to a really nice Easter Sunday service at High Rock church, where my cousin goes. Very similar to CCH in a sense (but “better” according to Jae, one time CCH member before moving, who I RANDOMLY saw there)
  3. A lot of family in Boston. Three cousins going to college in Boston next year. Plus another cousin and his family living there (the ones who took me to High Rock Church) First thing my cousin’s wife says when talking about church, “you’ll like High Rock… There’s a lot of really good guys there” I was like “oh greeaat” but in my mind I was like “ o_O HAHA okk..”
So yes, I got to explore Boston some with my bro. And I guess I’ll get to know it much better since I’ll be living there the next 4 years! =O Yep, I found out about my acceptance about a week ago. Turns out my interview must have gone very well because the letter was written that same day =D Sweet. It was allll worth it now, the money, the jetlag, the stress. Thank you God.

Class of 2014

“You have hedged me behind and before. And laid your hand upon me…Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” Psalm 139

AMEN! Thank You God that you go before me to Boston. (I’ll probably reflect on this more as the time draws near) But I love you God =]

Back In Africa

If any of you got a glimpse of that terrible blogpost I had up down below before deleting it, it was called Déjà vu. And that’s exactly how I felt when I got picked up in Johannesburg by the same two guys, Evans and Adonis.

They see me: “You again?!”

Teehee. “I’m baack”

I felt like I was seeing my old buddies. AHAh. Once again they were extremely generous and gracious hosts. And this time I was bolder with my photographing like I promised. Say Hi to Adonis =)

Evans refused to cooperate. He hates me…LOL. Just kidding Evans. I know you’re going to see this so I’ll say again, THANK YOU for everything. Hope you’re not too tired of me yet, I think I’ll be seeing you in June ;)

So a night at the exact same hotel, same McDonalds dinner, morning breakfast, shuttle ride later. I flew once again from Johannesburg --> Harare

Ministry- April

Now April is the month we get down to the nitty gritty of ministry. But first let me introduce you to the team. I am getting to know each of them much better and am thankful for EACH one.

from left-to-right: Me, Brittany (from upstate NY), Golden (from Zimbabwe, soon to be married =), Bethany (oldest daughter, 2nd Jourden kid. The other kids are part of the team too but they’re not in the picture), Manuel (from all over Zimbabwe. I have some hilarious videos of him that I will totally abuse later). Brian&Pamela (my mom and pops in the Spirit. Great mentors and friends), Dani (from Texas, she joined the ministry recently, after we rescued her from some shady “mission organization”), Chipo (the founder of Young Women’s Initiative)

[April 6] I got back to Harare. That week I went to the small town of Epworth for the first time. Our team had planted a church there while I was in Boston. We also started up both a men’s and women’s bible study there.

[April 13-16] VBS in Epworth

Epworth is a small town ~20 min outside of Harare. Super small, super poor. The place isn’t even on the map of Zimbabwe, which shows you how much they are known or cared for and a lot of the kids here are orphans, who have to care for their younger siblings. It was super sweet doing vbs there. Each day they would go CRAZY over the crafts. By the end of the 4 days they really warmed up to us =]

VBS included 3 days of teaching + Last day party. I did Day 1 (that’s what my fb profile picture is of)

Day 1 Creation- We are God's favorite creation

Day 2- We are a ROYAL priesthood. Sons&Daughters of a King. My favorite! Sam =D
The only one to bring their flower to the second day. So cute!

poor kid getting trampled during a games

Soon to come…

Young Women’s Conference on Glenview

Church plant in Bulwayo

Monthly House of Prayer in Bulwayo

And MUCH MUCH more!

Sorry this was so long. I tried to upload a couple more videos. But it must have been like a miracle that the one below worked because it is NOT working now. Either way, I hope you enjoyed =D Till next time


  1. EURRI!!!!! =) i loved this post.

    WOW... haha your trip so far in a nutshell... i'm sure you have way more stories to share.. AH!! oh man victoria falls looks so crazy... and I am so so so happy for you for opt. school! YES, a reason to visit boston now :D !

    AhAHAa those flowers you also made in india.

    miss/love/praying for you :)

  2. pokemon snap! you did pretty well, i would say

  3. I was greedy and ate the whole buffet!

    I'm so jealous of you exploring one of the seven wonders of the world! That waterfall(s) looks insane! And I love the Pokemon snap reference.

    Congrats again on getting into NECO!
    That's what it's called, right?

    haha, miss you yoo-di.

  4. Its so good to hear the things God is working through you Eurri!! I also got greedy like dan and read the whole thing. Im so encouraged by everything your doing there in Zimbabwe.


    Hope everything else is going well in Zimbabwe for you. We'll keep praying for you here!

  5. Eurri, I got a full share of the buffet. Hahaha..

    So crazy how everything falls into place! Your story is another testament to that.

    But HIGH ROCK! lol.. I was tripping out because my cousin's name is Jae and he went there... but he never went to CCH so I got disappointed. lol.. I will be in Boston this October for his wedding at High Rock!

    Okay, way too long of a comment. God bless!

  6. :)
    i'm glad for this update!

    pokemon snapshot! haha.
    i can't believe you got a shot of your new school from the airplane! (?)

    eurri! i'm really happy to see everything is going well with your fellow buddies in zimbabwe and ministry.


  7. HAHA i laughed out loud on the pokemon snapshots.

    the waterfall looks freakin awesome! im pretty jealous right now...

    keep up the good work eurri, the kids look super happy and blessed!
