Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big News

I found out a couple of weeks ago that my mom received a letter saying that I had gotten an interview with the New England College of Optometry (NECO) and my brother texted me that both he and my mom agreed that I should come back for the interview and then return to Africa to complete my time here


Let's just say I was SUPER shocked. Because I had called both schools I applied to before making plans for my trip out here to Africa and the responses I received pretty much gave me the OK to leave without the interviews. I even made different plans for what I would do when I returned. Then to hear that this door I thought was completely shut open again was quite shocking. I almost didn't know what to do with myself. As soon as I heard it was like my brain went on speed and I thought about my potential future life in Boston. "God do you want me in boston!?" And then it was like "omyyy"

Since the time I heard it's just constantly been on the edge of my mind and whenever I would bring it forth into my thoughts I would just feel super anxious thinking about finances and the madness of it all so I'd just shove it right back into the corner of my brain. But in the past few days as I'm trying to sort out my return flight to LA to Boston and then back to Africa from there God has been calling me to think THROUGH it and bring all my worries to Him. To trust Him and lay them down at his feet.

With that said, here is what my crazy schedule will look like for the next two weeks

3/24/10- 3/35/10
Take a plane from Harare --> Johannesburg --> LAX
Stay home for a few days (buy ministry supplies/gifts. If you wanna meet up let me know!!)
Fly out to Boston with the bro
Tour the campus/get to know the city
Interview at the New England College of Optometry (NECO)
(Please pray for me! This also happens to be good Friday =I )
Spend the weekend in Boston. I'll be spending Easter there, kind of a bummer cus it'd be nice to be back at church for that. But who knows maybe I can drag my brother to a church with me ;)
Fly back to Johannesburg --> Harare
Get back into the groove of life in Africa

My Feelings/Prayer Requests

1) As you can imagine this was a crazy curveball that God threw at me. It just muddled everything I thought about my future and potentially changed my plans completely. But please pray that I will trust God through this whole ordeal and be filled with the peace that comes with that trust.
2) Even though I am so thankful for such an opportunity a part of me did not want to leave Africa because I dont want to lose the momentum of all that's going on here. Since I've been here God has been developing relationships but even more He's been developing my heart for this place and his people and his will here. And I feel I'm sort've being yanked out for like two weeks. Please pray that I wont lose focus of my commitment here and that this time back in the States would only give me clearer vision into the Greater plan that God has for my life, my time here in Africa included.

As for the update of what's been going on since my last blog post and now, I'll probably just do that one back at home where I have faster internet, maybe even post up some videos!

See you in LA!


  1. Wow, def an unexpected curve ball.... but it is good to hear that you are accepting and going with it... because that is how God likes to work and shake things up at times ( :

  2. Crazy stuff in 2010! So crazy you're gonna be on a plane from 3/24 to 3/35 hahaha. Do most of the people who get to the interview eventually get in? Mmm Boston...

  3. Man, I really hope you get in! I think it's great a door that you thought was shut has been opened again.

    Unfortunately, I'll be in SD the time you're here in LA, so I won't be able to see you, but give me your BBM! I hear you can BBM internationally? =)

  4. WE MISS YOU EURRI!!! but i pray that God continues to keep you safe and im glad that he's continuing to work in your life. Sadly ill be in SD too but give me ur BBM also, i officially joined the club :)!

  5. aaah eurri! hope all is well, just read your last 2 blogs. :) good luck with everything. glad everything is going well so far. Praise God! be strong! :)
