Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Update from Zimbabwe!

Johannesburg, South Africa to Harare, Zimbabwe

The flight to Harare was comfortable enough. They had this nifty petite-sized sparking apple juice.

I dont really remember what I did on this flight... other than drink this juice...

Once I landed in Zimbabwe I had to buy a visa at the airport before the baggage claim. The form required knowing the exact address of where I'd be staying and my "home address in China" -_- I told them that the people with the address were waiting at the gate so they made me leave all my things + passport with them to go get it then come back. At the gate I was greeted by Brian Jourden, their oldest son Bryson, and Edison. If I had my things I could have just run away with them but alas, I had to return and be the LAST one to leave. At least my lonely luggage was waiting patiently for me on the conveyor belt. Finally I made it back to the gate and we were on our way to their newly bought home in a suburb of Harare, Zimbabwe! Praise God for a house because I know they have been looking house after house searching from city to city for it.


I just so happened to arrive on the day they moved in! What a celebratory day! To make it even MORE of a celebration it was the Jourden's youngest daughter Bailey's 11th birthday. Thankfully she really liked the Polly Pocket I chose and brought from the states (Pamela's idea) WHEW! This girl is like a polly pocket freak. Almost as crazy as eums was when she was little...

Although that night the house was bare of furniture, it was full of joy and trash. Haha. The first few days were mostly cleaning, buying furniture/appliances/fixing things. Within the last several days we've acquired a dining table + chairs , some temporary gas burners for cooking, a freezer (but no fridge), some shelves, light (minus one night), water (still no hot water though). But God has been super gracious to us by giving us awesome Christian neighbors that allow us to use their showers. *Random* our direct neighbors are Korean. So Edison and I tried to go meet them with Brian and Pamela. But I think they thought we were crazies because they didnt even open the gate. HAHA. Here in the suburbs the houses are behind solid gates with an intercom system and when Brian was asking them if they were korean they just stopped talking to us. HAHA. O well, another day perhaps.

At the House

The Chameleon that Brian get "baptizing" on the head, which then got angry
room + mate, Brittany
chillin / i came back to my room to see that the youngest son had arranged all my pictures on the floor by my bed HAHA
cooking in the dark
crazy leak coming from the lights O_O / walking to the internet
at the garden cafe w/ internet


So the first week was mostly just settling into the new house, getting adjusted / getting to know my new housemates. This past week we started morning prayer at 5:55am and we're going through Nehemiah as a team. It's been really awesome so far. And I feel like God is putting joy in my heart. I'm learning muchoo. But I will update on specifics of that after some more digesting. Also happening, we've been meeting with a lot of potential local partners in ministry. We met with this one young woman Chipo who's starting an organization to motivate/provide resources for young women to live more independently, because according to her a lot of the women in Zimbabwe are only about getting married after finishing school but a lot of those marriages dont end well so they are forced to come back home and there, without any real skills, have nothing to do and some resort to prostitution. We're meeting with some of the leaders and girls this weekend. So I will definitely update about that. Stay tuned...

P.S- please email me your prayer requests if you havent: !!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I get so excited with your pictures + captioning! Helps us back here to feel like we're there with you! Lovely update :] Praying for yah!

    ** sorry had typos in the first one!

  3. i remember polly pockets! i had the boy version with "mighty max"!
    the house feels like a retreat site, with the sleeping bags and such! work hard and keep on keeping on!

  4. good to see that the JOY OF THE LORD IS IN YOU! hahahaha! praying for ya Eurri! :D

  5. haha a baptism rejecting iguana = a hardened heart. HAHA! praise God for His goodness with everything so far and all to come.

    Godspeed :)

  6. 1. i loved my polly pockets. i actually had a toy car (separate) but the polly pocket ppl fit in it perfectly. it was awesome. haha
    2. that lightbulb is straight up PEEING. definitely kinda crazy.
    3. keep the updates a-comin! =)
