Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Landing!

Hello! I have finally arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa! Let me tell you a little about my travels here. But first,

Thank you to all who came out to my sendoff. I was truly touched to see each of your faces there.

I was so blessed by your prayers, hugs, gifts. Seriously I was honored by each of your presence.

12+ Hour Layover in Atlanta, Georgia

Mm yea I did not realize my layover in the dirty south was gonna be THAT long until I checked in at LAX. I landed around 5 something A.M local time and my flight wasn't until 6:55 P.M later that night. OMY. So I decided to try and find the cheapest hotel just for the day. But first I had to find someone to ask. I soon discovered that the airport in Atlanta is quite long! Only after reaching the airport services counter did I discover I could've taken this airport metro to get there. But if I did that then I wouldn't have gotten to see this cool 3 hallway-long exhibit of Zimbabwean art/stone sculptures! No joke the Atlanta airport had all these massive stone sculptures and pictures from/of Zimbabwe. I knew I should've taken a picture but I was too cracked out at 6 am to do so. Silly me.

Back behind the airport services counter was a very friendly but very A.D.D elderly black lady.
"What can I do for you, hon?"
"Mm, so I have a 12 hour layover..."

Haha. Eventually she led me to a wall of phones that instantly connected you to all the hotels near the airport. After dialing every hotel on the wall I finally settled for a Motel 6. Dumb move on my part. I thought I would save money by going with the cheapest rate but on the taxi ride there I realized I might as well have gone with the more expensive hotel, which came with complementary shuttle + free breakfast, because the cab fare basically made up the difference even with the 10% discount they gave me off the room due to their broken shuttle. -_- indeed. Another reason the room at the Motel 6 was so cheap is because there is NOTHING near it. Let's just say I was thankful for all the care package snacks. They helped me survive. P.S It was snowing! P.P.S My taxi driver's name was Augustine =) But he got mad at me =( But in the end we became friends and he called me a "strong lady" =) AHAHA

Motel 6

Letter Love <3

The taxi driver back to the airport was much nicer! AND much cheaper! Back at the airport now I still had a few hours to kill. So what did I do? I read all the letters I got at my sendoff! =*) I think the other people at my gate thought i was luny because I would cry, shake my head, then laugh as I was reading them. AHAHA. Seriously though, I was blown away by the thoughtfulness and sincerity.

16+ hour flight (?) from ATL --> Johannesburg

This flight was amazing! I watched two movies 1. 27 dresses (eh) 2. PUSH ( was also eh) Both movies leaned closer to the sucking side. Haha but the best part? I had the entire middle row to myself so I got to sleep laying down! That coupled with dramamine (my favorite!) I think I slept for like 12 hours. AHAHA. So the flight was a breeze and before I knew it I was preparing for landing in Africa!

Two Strangers + Hotel Scavenger Hunt = Funny times

Getting off the plane I did not know exactly who was going to pick me up. I was told either "a tall blond guy or a nice black guy" AHAHA it was the nice black guy and his friend. Their names were Evans and Adonis (friend). Man they were super chill and funny. AND SUPER gracious. Their mission was to find me a place to stay for the night and transportation in the morning back to the airport. First they took me to this small hotel. They told me to guard the car as they checked out the room. They came back and said it was too small. I told them I didnt mind. But they said "No" and we drove off. Next, we went to one called EMPERORS PALACE which was a huge 4 star vegas-like monstrosity. I felt like the freaking queen of Sheba going to Solomon's palace. AHAH. But they were full, as were their two sister hotels. Some kind of convention. FYI! If you're planning on going to Johannesburg for the World Cup you better get your rooms NOW! But yes I was very humbled by the graciousness of Evans and Adonis, driving around and around the airport trying to find me a Nice place to stay, so unnecessary but very kind. Finally they settled to put me in a very comfortable "Town Lodge" where I am now. They left after making all the arrangements, buying me dinner and snacks. I wanted to take a picture of them but I thought they might think it weird. I will try not to be such a picture-coward in the future.

Tomorrow morning I take the shuttle back to the airport. Final destination: Harare, Zimbabwe!

Thank you all for your prayers!! Praise God for such traveling mercies, and please pray that my transport to the Jourdens is just as smooth!


  1. *tears
    I am so proud.

    This was awesome :)
    I'm excited to read more!!

  2. hahaahahahhahaha. this was so entertaining to read.

    hope you stay safe and not catch malaria.

  3. now im sad i didn't go to the send off :(

    God bless Eurri and be safe!

  4. ahhhh yayyyy!! :) i love the updates! keep them coming~! stay safe, eurri! i'm excited for your future blog posts! never forget you're COVERED in prayer back here in the states <3

  5. :) you made it alive!
    hahah. yes! "strong lady"

    ooh. adonis. what a captivating name.

    go, go, go!

  6. haha Adonis!!
    was he an adonis?
    have safe travels to zimb!

  7. dang that's a lot of travelll. glad you made it safely to Africa. ahaha you shoulda milked it and gotten your queen of sheba's worth after all that traveling. excited for you! bless and be blessed :)

  8. eeee!! i'm excited for you, mighty warrior!
    be safe, eurri!! :)


  9. good stuff. glad you got there safely. I heard something so crazy from MacArthur today when he was speaking. "there's only two types of people in this world: believer and nonbelievers. In other words: the missionaries and the missions field."

    May you continue to deliver the much needed gospel message. :)

    be praying for you.

  10. yeah i dont really understand blospot haha dont think i ever will. But ill try to read your traveling blog to get updates. Im glad youre safe! keep the updates coming...were all praying for you!

    Did you laugh at the ps part of my card? baha

  11. Yeah, I would have thought it weird if you had asked for my photo!
    God bless

  12. i still can't believe you're in africa...

  13. crazy crazy girl. you crack me up! love that your adventure has already started between flight transfer and hotel stays.
